You can use the forms you have created in Xpoda by creating links or embedding them in your own website, thanks to the "Public Link" feature offered by Xpoda. For such use, you need to follow the steps below.
First of all, click on the "Create Public Link" button from the properties of the form page you have created.
After clicking the button, you need to fill in the relevant fields in the window that will popup.
Share Form Features:
UserName: Enter the user name of the user you want to use from the client users.
User Password: User's password must be entered.
Hide Header: It is for displaying the top and left menu in Xpo. If you do not want to use this menu, you need to activate the Hide Header option.
Embed Code: If you want to use the embed form on web pages, this option should be yes. If No is selected, only a shareable link will be created for you.
After filling these fields, click on the Create button and you can use this form page on the website thanks to the code in the Link field.
Note : You should wrap embed code in at least one DIV element to display properly e.g :
<!-- Wrapped in DIV element -->
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
fm: "13dYSzFsdNOERRb1Ixdf22UJZL01mLzRkem5zY2RyQiswVnRCaURBQWpIYlVjbWhvNk5Gd0hlamE0cGhPRVlDRW9Dbjl6cENmZFRZYzVBVmc9PQ2" ,
cl :""
<!-- Wrapped in DIV element -->
Note : If you want to add a search to the embed code, you can use this example to send a value to a field you want after the "cl" expression.
cl : "", search : "Txt_1:Expression to send" });