By using Xpoda Assistant, you can listen to all incoming e-mails to an e-mail address, and transfer the details of the incoming e-mail to fields in a form you created in Xpoda. To put it briefly, you can read every incoming mail and write it on the form.
For this, first of all, you need to log in to with your user information. After logging in, the Assistant option should be selected from the fields on the left menu.
Assistant startup image
Record List: In this area, you can see your assistants that you have defined before. You can make changes for the assistants you have defined by making a selection.
Name: The assistant is given a name.
Type: The action to be taken by the assistant is selected. We choose Listening To Mail for the Mail listening function.
Active: It is determined here whether the assistant is active or not. If the check mark is not clicked, the assistant will not work.
Note: You can deactivate the active feature here when you do not want to use the assistants instead of deleting them.
Project: It is selected which project will be processed.
Form: It is selected which form page of the selected project will be processed.
Heading: It is the header field in the incoming mail. It is selected in which field the text in the incoming mail header will be written on the selected form page.
Content: It is the content part of the mail. It is selected in which field the incoming mail content will be written on the selected form page.
From: The information from whom the mail came from is stored. Selection is made in which field on the selected form page will be kept.
To Whom: The information to whom the mail came to is stored. In which field this information will be kept on the selected form page is selected.
Information: If there are people added to CC in mail, their information is stored in this area. The field on the selected form page to keep the information in this field is selected.
Privity: If there is a BCC status in the mail, the relevant information is stored in this field. Selection is made in which field the information coming to this field will be written from the fields on the selected form page.
Attached Files: In the attachment section, it is determined in which field the submitted files will be kept on the selected form page.
Mail Address: The e-mail address to be listened to is written.
Mail Host: Incoming host information of the mail service used is written.
Note: Mail Listening Task in Xpoda Assistant only works on incoming mail servers and POP supported mail servers. So don't forget to fill in the Host field as
Mail UserName: The mail address is written. The value entered here is the same as the value entered in the e-mail address.
Mail User Psw: The password of the e-mail address to be listened to is written.
0: Incoming port information of the mail service used is written.
Form registration actions run after registration : This value field can remain unchecked.
Mail SSL: If the e-mail address used has an SSL certificate, this field is marked.
Working Condition Area
It is determined that your assistant you have defined will work at what time intervals and how many minutes depending on the condition you have written.
Start Date: The date that the assistant will start is selected.
End Date: The date on which the assistant will end his/her job is selected.
Minute: It is written how many minutes the assistant will take action. The assistant's working time is based on minutes.
Run Condition: This is the area where you can run the assistant depending on any condition. A query expression is written in this field. The query you have written here will be triggered every minute you specified above. As long as the return value result from the query is 1, the assistant works. Here you can connect the work of the assistant to different conditions by differentiating the query. You can also make it always work by giving it a fixed value. For example: “SELECT 1”
Error Information: If there is any problem in the work of the assistant, it is written to which e-mail address the problem will be forwarded. You can use this feature especially in error tracking.
Example Usage
In this example usage, all mails sent to the mail address will be saved in the testlisteningmail form in the TEST_LISTENING_MAIL project. All fields in the mail are associated with the corresponding fields in the form. For example, the title (subject field) of the mail is set to be written in the Mail_Heading field in the form.