This operation changes the states and descriptions of flow movements.
Update Flow operation at Property Panel
Description: A description of the action is written.
Heading: Specifies the name in the action list when added as a Form Action.
Description: Saves the value of the selected element in the flow description.
Type of Operation: To change the status of the flow; it chooses as Complete, Reject, Visibility, or Cancel.
Linked List: The list selection of the flow transactions defined in the form is made.
List-ID Field: The ID information in the list is written to update the flow information.
Finish Action: After the Update flow action, the action with which to continue is selected.
Run Condition: If the value in the query entered in this field is ‘0‘, the corresponding action will not run.
Request Confirmation: Select whether to ask for confirmation before running the action. If Request Confirmation is activated, the Confirmation Message feature is turned on and the message that will be displayed when requesting confirmation is written.
Example Used
For example; There is a Patient-Doctor Appointment Form. When an appointment is made, the flow will be started.
The flow has a find user and send approval controls as an extra.
These appointments will be sent to confirm and they will be listed. The flow will be updated by selecting these appointments from the list as Complete, Reject, Visibility, or Cancel with a description area.
E.g. Update Flow operation is created with when clicked event for a button. Other properties are adjusted as below. List Field ID is an important area and “FlowID” from the XPODA_WORK_FLOWS table is written in the area. But, this ID must be on the list. Type of Operation area selects the direction of the flow. It can be done by selecting the approvals in the flow from the man icon in the top menu of the client.
A query is written in the list and this query contains the XPODA_WORK_FLOWS table as in below. This query represents pending records. Flow Process represents which step is in the flow as “a2, a3, a7 …” etc. In here, “a23” represents Send to Approval control. If FlowUserID is “0”, it means System. Flow State indicates the situation of the flow as pending approval, completed, rejected, or canceled.
Pending records are listed, a row from the list is selected and the update flow button is clicked.
E.g. John Miller is completed by writing a description.
E.g. Robin Rick patient is displayed by clicking the Visibility button as below and the record is rejected.
The Flow Chart is below for the Robin Nick record.