It is a form tool used for e-signing in lists and outputs.
E-Signature tool icon at Toolbox
How it looks like on the Canvas
Free Form | Responsive Form | Mobile |
Properties of this tool ;
Name: The name of the tool will be written here. To edit, go to the Property Panel which is located on the right. This area is saved to the database
Help Text: It is the text that is entered for comment when the mouse is placed on the tool.
Color: Edits the color of inside the tool and/or the text inside the tool.
Height / Width: Adjusts the height and width of the tool. (The width field has been removed from Responsive Forms).
From Left / Top: Adjusts the distance of the tool from the left and top. (Bu alan Responsive Formlardan kaldırılmıştır).
Display: Makes the tool not appear on the screen. If the Display area is chosen as No, it makes E-Signature not seem on the client screen. Otherwise, the opposite happens.
Validation: Assign an “Action” as on value tool handler. For more information please click here.
Example Used
You can edit the text color as white and background color as black from the Color area.
Client view on screen
Cleaning the Wrongly E-Signature
A button is added to the form page and the name of the button is changed to clear signature field. Then, when the button is clicked, the E-Signature field is cleared using the Value Update Action.
Use of action;