It provides data reports to be viewed in graphic form. It is possible to change the way the graphics are displayed from the area style in the properties section. Graphical representations are available in the form of the column, area, line, pie, funnel, bar, bar cluster, column cluster.
Graphic tool icon at Toolbox
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How it looks like on the Canvas
It allows the data reports to appear in the form of the graphics. The graphic indication shape can be changed from the field style in the Property Panel. Their graphic indications are available as Columns, field, line, pie, funnel, bar, bar sets, column sets. The graphic seems with Update Value operations.
Properties of the form tool;
Name: The name of the tool is written.
Text: It is used to report. The desired information is shown in the form of a cube list. The text in the Text area seems above the graphic tool.
Field Style: The indication shape of the graphic tool is selected. Field Style is specified as the type of graphic.
Serial: It is the field in which the area to be shown on the graphic visual is determined.
Category: It is the field determined which it will be categorized according to which areas on the graphic visual.
Height / Width: It arranges the tool's height and width (The width field has been removed from Responsive Forms).
From Left / Top: It arranges the distance of the tool from left and top (This field has been removed from responsive forms).
SQL Query: The SQL query is written
Background picture: It is the field in which enables us to show the image on the background of the graphic visual.
Display: It ensures not to display the tool. If the Display area is chosen as No, it makes this tool not seem on the client screen. Otherwise, the opposite happens.
When clicked: Assign an “Action” as a click handler. For more information please click here.
Examples Used
To show the data in the graphic, a query is written in the SQL Query area.
To display the graphic Property Panel on the client-side, you must create an action When the form is opened type and Update Value operation for this graphic. Here, the value area is the Name of the graphic.
The data is not displayed on the graphic. Thus, you must open the button, as wheel-shaped, in the corner of the bottom right.
Client view on screen
This screen seems when the button on the graphic is clicked.
To show the data in Axis-Y, you can drag your data to the Category area. To show the data in Axis-X, you can drag your data to the Series area.
Client view on screen
The result of the modification on the graphic is shown below.
Client view on screen
If Background Picture property is Yes, this graphic is shown below.
Client view on screen
Another example;
To show average temperature values based on fixed data months, you can use the following query, so you can try it right away;
The graphic tool is not automatically filled in when the page is opened, such as the list tool. It must be triggered by an action. Action should be added to the form for automatic display when the form is opened.
The graphic chart tool is not automatically filled in when the page is opened, such as the list tool. It must be triggered by an action. The following action should be added to the form for automatic display when the form is opened.
The fields from the query have to be selected and can be edited for the series, categories, and group fields if any. If the case, this graphic can be saved in pdf, jpeg, and svg formats.
On the client-side, you can change the properties of the chart, for example, sort by values.
We can colorize our chart by months and group by applying the following settings.
Since data is usually not stored in report forms and only existing data are reported, there is no need to create tables in the database of these forms. When Report is selected in the Type field of the form Property Panel to prevent a table from being created, it will not create a table. Form Type Table name is insignificant when the report is selected, can be deleted. Provides a graphical view of data reports. You can change the way the graphs are displayed from the field style in the Property Panel. Column, area, line, pie, funnel, bar, bar cluster, column cluster graphical representations are available.
Other examples;
Field Style is chosen “Pie”. A query is written in SQL Query of the graphic tool. There are Company and Profit areas for the tool.
Client screen for this example