The work done by the application developer is shown to the end user on these screens. A user name and password are required to log in to the client screens.
The user logs into the system by entering the user name and password defined for him in the relevant fields. If the user is not defined in the system, login cannot be performed.
Users are defined to the system through the management panel. For this, the user with admin authority within the scope of the project must define other users to the system.
If a user is to be defined in the system for the first time, first of all, the development screen must be reached and the Run button must be pressed.
After pressing the Run button, you can directly switch to the Client screen. As soon as the user clicks the Run button, the form page that has been worked in will be opened without the client user and password fields appearing. On this form page, the user in the upper right corner (number 1 in the image) is clicked. In the menu that opens, the Admin Panel is selected (number 2 in the image).
Users are defined to the system from the user information (2 number in the image) field by switching to the users (number 1 in the image) tab on the Administration Panel page. The code part during the identification corresponds to the User field on the Client login screen, and the password field corresponds to the Password field.
The user can log in to the system with this information.