Used to report. The requested information is displayed in the form of a list cube.
List Cube tool icon at Toolbox
How it looks like on the Canvas
Free Form | Responsive Form | Mobile |
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To use the cube list, an update value operation must be added. For example, the operation to be added to update the value of the list cube when the form is opened; When the form is opened the list cube should be selected as the update value field.
A pivot opens when the cube list is added to the form. Here, the columns under the fields header consist of the fields in the list query. Drag and drop fields to columns, rows, and measures boxes to set how the list will appear. Right-click on the list cube and save the view from the list settings in order not to make the settings every time.
Name: The name of the tool will be written here.
Help Text: It is the text that is entered for comment when the mouse is placed on the tool.
Height / Width: Adjusts the height and width of the tool (The width field has been removed from Responsive Forms).
From Left / Top: Adjusts the distance of the tool from the left and top (This field has been removed from responsive forms).
SQL Query: SQL queries will be written here.
Fit horizontal: Fits the tool to the full screen on the user’s screen.
Pin Right: Pins the tool to the right.
Display: Makes the tool not appear on the screen.
When the row is changed: Assign an “Action” as on row value changes handler. For more information please click here.
When double-clicked on row: Assign an “Action” as a double click handler. For more information please click here.
Example Used
Firstly, after the list cube is added on the canvas, the form must be updated on the list cube. (When the form is opened and Update Value operation is created for the List Cube name. )
Then, a query is written for the list cube.
SQL Query in the list cube property
Then right-click in the list cube is made and chosen Pivot Grid Configurator on the client screen.
Client view on screen
The pivot Grid Configurator screen is as below. The query areas are here as FIELDS. You can drag the fields to Columns, Rows, and Measures parts.
Pivot Grid Configurator on the client screen
As an example, it can be done as below.
Pivot Grid Configurator on the client screen
The result of this modification and recorded data is displayed below.
Client view on screen for the list cube
Finally, you can save this view, otherwise, you must make the settings every time. Then right-click in the list cube is made and chosen List Settings and View Save on the client screen.
Client view on screen