It is a form tool that allows you to see the calendar in daily, weekly, monthly, and calendar types when placed in the form.
‘’Calendar’’ icon at Toolbox
How it looks like on the Canvas
Free Form | Responsive Form | Mobile |
To use this toolbox, you must open form one more. Calendar edit form should be because there is an Edit Form area in the Calendar toolbox. Edit Form must have - person, start date, finish date, and heading - areas.
Name: The name of the field is written.
User List: Whether the user list is displayed horizontally or vertically is selected.
Edit Form: Which form to open in the calendar is selected.
User: The user field is selected in the selected form.
Heading: The title field is selected in the selected form.
Start: Start date is selected in the selected form.
Finish: The end date is selected in the selected form.
Start-Stop Hour: Its default value is week. You can leave it blank.
Time Interval (Min.): Specifies the time selection between the given start and end dates.
Help Text: It is the text that is entered for comment when the mouse is placed on the Calendar control.
Height / Width: Adjusts the height and width of the Calendar tool (The width field has been removed from Responsive Forms).
From Left / Top: Adjusts the distance of the Calendar tool from the left and top (This field has been removed from responsive forms).
User Query: You must write ID, name, and color for the user. You can use XPODA_CLIENT_USERS table. (as UserID, UserFullName and UserColor columns)
Data Query: For instance; if you want to use two users, this area is written a table with view or function.
Show All Day: If "Yes" is selected, it shows the entire 24-hour time zone.
Fit Horizontal: Fits the tool to the full screen on the user’s screen.
Display: Makes the Calendar tool not appear on the screen.
- When the value changes: Assign an “Action” as on value changes handler. For more information please click here.
Example Used
To start changing the Calendar, a new form is opened as Edit. This contains elements for User, Heading, Start, Finish areas.
In below, there are User, Start Date, End Date, and Topic areas in the form named CALENDAR_EDIT.
Client view on screen
Now, go back to the form with the calendar. Change its properties.
User SQL Query is written as UserID, UserFullName, and UserColor to see it on the calendar.
As the last step, to see the modifications, trigger the Calendar toolbox with when the form is opened event and Update Value operation.
Client view on screen
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Appearance in Toolbox |
Appearance in Free Form |
Appearance in Responsive Form |
Free Form | Responsive Form | Mobile |
Features of The Calendar Tool |
Type: Indicates the field type of the added form tool. The value cannot be changed. Name ():
List users ():
Edit Form ():
User ():
Heading ():
Start ():
Finish ():
Start-Stop Hour ():
Time-Interval(Min) ():
Help Text():
Height ():
User Query - Sql Server ():
Sql Query - Xpoda Addon ():
Data Query ():
In the Data Query query, the calendar task can be colored according to the status in the edit table. Example query; SELECT CASE WHEN TaskType='new' THEN 'blue' ELSE 'green' END AS EventColor
Note: If datasource is used in the calendar, there must be UserTableID, FormTypeID, ProjectID in the data source section for the edit feature to be active and the table of the edit form must be in the same module as the calendar. In your query, the selected values in the User, Heading, Start and Finish fields must be added to the query with the same name. select UNION ALL select
Show All Day (): Fit Horizontal :Fits the form tool horizontally to the full screen on the user's screen. Display : Makes the form tool not visible on the Client screen. |