It is used to make a document form in Xpoda. In the grid, the desired columns can be created in the document with the Add New Area button.
Grid tool icon at Toolbox
How it looks like on the Canvas
Free Form | Responsive Form | Mobile |
If Master Recording property is Yes, the Detail table is not created in the database. Otherwise, the detail table is created as TABLENAME_DETAIL. Also, to enter data in the grid, we need to add the add Grid - Enable Edit Mode operation.
Properties of the form tool;
Name: The name of the tool is written.
Discount: The number of discounts which will be defined is entered in the grid.
Cost: The number of costs that will be defined is entered in the grid.
Help Text: It is a text entered for releasing an explanation when it comes to the mouse on the tool.
Color: It arranges the interior and/or the text color of the tool.
Height / Width: It arranges the distance of the tool height and width (The width field has been removed from Responsive Forms).
From Left / Top: It arranges the distance of the tool from left and top (This field has been removed from responsive forms).
Query for adding record: When invoking the grid information of an old document, a query is written in this field so that only the fields in the form are loaded into the grid.
Text Size: Sets the size of the tool.
Fit horizontal: It fits the tool into a full screen on the user's screen.
Pin Right: It aligns the tool to right.
Display: It ensures not to display the tool.
Detail Button: It adds the detail button to the lines in the grid.
Delete Button: It adds the delete button in the line in the grid.
It can not be changed: It prevents changing the information in the grid.
Master Recording: It saves the lines in the main table by not creating the detail table.
Auto Extension: It ensures the elongation of the grid as the data is entered
When the row is changed: Assign an “Action” as on the row changes handler. For more information please click here.
When double clicked on row: Assign an “Action” as on double click handler. For more information please click here.
Keyboard Input: Assign an “Action” as on keyboard input handler. For more information please click here.
When the Cell Value Change: Assign an “Action” as on cell value changes handler. For more information please click here.
Examples Used
When you click Add New Field button, Grid Area Operations screen is opened on the right side on Studio.
You can write a name for a grid field in the Display name area. The field name area is written automatically. You can choose data type in Type of Field and Format area. To enter any value in the grid, you must create an operation as Grid - Enable Edit Mode with When clicked event. This action is created in a button.
How it looks like on the Canvas
Client view on screen for the Grid and the Button with Delete button property
Another example;
When the Add new field in the grid is clicked, a new field with the desired feature can be created in the grid.
The field type section is the section where the data type of the columns formed in the grid, that is, the fields formed in the detail table, is selected. The Display Name section is where we specify the column headings in the grid. The field name section is the section where the field name in the grid, ie the field to be opened in the detail table, is specified. After creating the desired feature areas by pressing the green disk button at the bottom right creates the area.
After adding the fields to the grid, the grid view in the form is as follows;
The client view of the grid is as follows;
However, to enter data in the grid, we need to add Grid - Add Row action. This action can be added to a button. The screenshot of the action is as follows.
After adding the action to the button, click the button and enter the data in the grid.
We can enter data into the grid tool via grid or import data from fields in the form. What is important for this is that the data types of the fields in the form and the fields to be synchronized in the grid are the same. For example, in the form below, the data type of the namespace must match the data type of the namespace in the grid.
To display the information in the form on the grid, Grid - Add Row action requires mapping. The mapping process is the process where the fields are synchronized, as in the following screen. After mapping in the Grid - Add Row action, the information saved in the form will now be added gradually.